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Brief Answer to the Big Question By Stephen Hawking

Stephen Hawking is the one of the best theoretical physicist. He actually known as the second most genius man of all the history of world after the Einstein. Hawking is a symbol of hope and struggle. He lives the perfect live though he was stunned by motor neuron disease in his young age.

Brief Answer to the Big Question

Stephen has a lot of work in the theoretical physics. Hawking has a number of publishing which are the quite brilliant work and are the best seller. Hawking had addressed the biggest problems and the biggest questions of all the time in the world in this book. This book is one of latest work by hawking.

Big Questions in this Book

Hawking addressed the ten big questions in this book and all ten are of prime importance and are really briefly answered.

Question 1:

Is There Any God ?

Hawking shared his point of view about the existence or non existence of god while addressing this question in the light of his experience and his scientific view point. You  must read this book to find his exact opinion.

Question 2:

How did it Began?

How does this whole universe begin is the big question in the minds of almost all the people. Stephen in the second chapter of this book addressed this important question and explore it with his scientific philosophy. You  must read this book to find his exact opinion about begin of universe.

 Question 3:

Is There Any Intelligent Life?

Aliens existence is a hot topic of the scientific world. Does here any other intelligent creature in universe other then human beings. Stephen throw his experience to find his best conclusion about this question. You must read this book to know more about that 

Question 4:

Can we predict the Future?

We are predicting weather situation, what else we can predict about the universe and human. An authentic talk about this topic is in the chapter no four of this book. 

Question 5:

What is inside the Black Hole?

Unlimited energy is inside the black hole or not ?. What is inside the black whole latest observations and experiments clearly examined by hawking. Know more about black hole and its existence in the Book. 

Question 6:

Is Time Travel Possible ?

Time travel is an interesting topic but it is actually possible to travel with the time or not? . Hawking mention this in right way with authentic proves. You can understand him also, if you donot have strong physics background.

Question 7:

Will We Survive on Earth?

Hawking shared his point of view about the survival of life on earth. Hawking express that as human is carelessly destroying the environment so we must be careful about our future. With current population growth rate serious problem for life will arise 

Question 8:

Should We Colonise The Space?

To be the master of all the universe is the human old dream. Is it possible for us to be on the other planets in the near future. Hawking explain this process in the outstanding way.
Question 9:

Is Artificial Intelligence Outsmart Us?

AI brilliant progress, robots, what will it be done with human. Hawking argues that to much use of the AI is not beneficial for man because these robots can control the humans in future if we have not limited them.

Question 10:

How Do We Shape the Future ?

At last question Stephen Hawking gave some tips about How do we shape the world's Future. To better understand him it is worth to read this outstanding book.

To read online or download the book click on this link.

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