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Right Angle Triangle program in C++




Right angle triangle program is an important program in C++. We are going to develop a C++ program which will take three sides of triangle from user and after making decision will print on screen that triangle is right angled or not.




There is no rocket science or even there is even no logic in this program. This program is quite simple. We will use the Pythagoras theorem which states that

“If sum of square of two sides of triangle becomes equal to third side then triangle is right angle”

Hence if not becomes equal, then it is not right angle triangle.

We will implement the same logic of the Pythagoras statement in the conditional statement. We will take three variables namely a, b and c, store the sides of triangle in these variables. And start comparing, Is square of any side of triangle becomes equal to the square of sums of other two sides of triangles. Then triangle is right angle and on satisfying this condition the triangle is right angle will be print. On the other hand triangle is not right angle triangle will be print.






using namespace std;

int main()


            int a,b,c;

            cout<<"Enter three sides of triangle\n";



            cout<<"Right angled tringale\n";


            cout<<"Not Right angled Triangle\n";

            return 0;




The code given above when execute lead us towards the following results.






Note: Please note that this code is executable on Dev C++ IDE. If You have any other compiler than this code may cause issues. So it is advised to you that download and install the Dev C++ IDE for this code and if you can modify this code than well enough.



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