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Area of Circle Program in C++ and C

Area of Circle is A=Ï€r2 and to solve the mathematical problems is the part time job of C++. In this article we will deal with the area of circle calculation program in both C++ and C language. We will develop a program in which user will enter the radius of his given circle and the program will print him area using the formula A=Ï€r2 .

Programmer will declare a variable “A” to store area of circle, use 3.14 in place of Ï€ and r2 by r*r. so the original statement will be like that.


Area of Circle Program in C++

First we are developing the C++ program to find the area the code for this program is as under.



//date 27 january 2019

//program to find area of circle using function call by value


using namespace std;

int area(int);

int main()


            int radius;

            cout<<"Enter the radius to Find Area \n";


            cout<<"Area ="<<area(radius);

return 0;


int area(int r)


            int a;


            return a;




Here is the sample output of this program. Calculate area of the circle from radius.




Area of Circle Program in C

This is the version C of the above program. This version will perform the same task as performed above with C++ language but this program will use C language.



//date 27 january 2019

//program to find area of circle using function call by value


int area(int);

int main()


            int radius;

            printf("Enter the radius to Find Area \n");


printf("Area =%d",area(radius));

return 0;


int area(int r)


            int a;


            return a;





Here also the same output is coming of this program. Calculating area from radius same like previous C++ language program.





Finally, we concluded that tasks which are performed in the C++ language can be performed in C language in some cases but not at all. Because C++ in some context such as objects and classes is more advanced than C language.


Thank You and I hope you will easily understand this simple code but if not don’t worry. Contact us we will assist you by our best.

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