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The Story of Philosophy by Will Durant Book Review

The story of philosophy, a great and magnificent work from the Will Durant, besides it’s other great contributions in the field of philosophy. Before we dug down about this wonderful book we need to know something about the author of this book.

Will Durant author of “The Story of Philosophy”

In the introduction of will Durant I will write nothing because such a great men need no introduction. Also now a day a child of four or five year can easily Google the place and time of its birth living and death. But the major thing about Will is the work of Will. Will has always a passion to know about the greatest ideologies of all time, greatest Philosophers of all time, the greatest books to educate of all time and the heroes of all the time. He spends all of his live in researching these questions. Will Durant always has a list in his pocket of these questions and whenever he discovers something he put it down on this list.


The Story of Philosophy

A bench mark to be noted that Will Durant had done a research of eleven years for writing this book. His research includes the inspection of all the major philosophers, their carriers, their interpretation and twofold view from Plato to John Dewey. Then Durant published his research in this book in a classical and simple writing style.

When this book came in market the millions of its copies are sold, not only this book all the books of the Will Durant are bestselling and are unique in its own style.

I bought this book from daraz.pk in Pakistan. It cost me in 450 rupees round about 3 US dollars which I think is a cheap price for such a precious book. I first smell this book, then I have tasted the first few pages of this book, it attracts me so that I was unable to leave this book and I have finished it in four or five days, though it has around about 700 pages.

Will Durant other Books

Will Durant has written some other great books which are given below.

The Pleasure of Philosophy

The Heroes of history

The greatest minds and ideas of all the time

The history of civilization



What’s The Story of Philosophy is about?

The story of philosophy is about the lives and opinions of greatest philosophers. What was the background when a philosopher born? What they perceive and interpret and how they respond to the society? What ideology they gave and what are the advantages and disadvantages of the ideology? And what was the criticism over their ideas.

The fifteen or sixteen philosophers are covered by the Will Durant. He covered the philosophies in same logical order as they introduced and then expired.

Scientist versus Philosopher

One difference I have read from the intro of this book was so really remarkable is the difference between the Scientist and a philosopher and I think that such a philosophic difference between scientist and philosopher I have never read before.

“Scientist is person who knows more and more about less and less things where as philosopher is person who knows less and less about more and more things.”


Story of Philosophy Chapters

This book has the eleven chapters let’s discuss what’s inside the each chapter.

Chapter #1 Plato

In chapter no 1 author describe about the context of Plato and Socrates, the preparation of Plato. The ethical, political and psychological problems faced by the society at the time of Plato. And solutions suggested by the Plato of these problems. At the end the author criticizes that, Is the ideology of Plato which was saying that the leader should be philosopher is really applicable or not.

Chapter #2 Aristotle and Greek Science

In second chapter will wrote about the Aristotle, his ideology his perceptions his works. What was the contribution of the Aristotle in logics, Greek science, biology and Metaphysics? What was his view about the nature of God, happiness, politics, marriage, education and democracy. To know the answers of these questions must read this chapter. Finally there is the criticism about the right and wrong of the Aristotle ideology.

Chapter #3 Francis Bacon

Chapter three is about the father of essay. Yes Francis Bacon is known as the father of essay. Author covers the renaissance from Aristotle to Bacon, political career of Bacon. The interest of Bacon in philosophy, invention of essay which advance the learning and utopia of science. At the end author has a critical note with the Bacon ideology.

Chapter #4 Spinoza

This chapter about Spinoza involves the major works of Spinoza. The first part of this chapter is about the education, excommunication and retirement and death. In second part there is a discussion of the religion and state. Third part is about the improvement of intellect. Fourth part of this chapter is about the ethical ideas of Spinoza and at the end fifth part is the influence of Spinoza.

Chapter #5 Voltaire and French Enlightenment

The man in Paris in eighteenth century was Voltaire the some sort of extra genius philosopher. The romance and love were his most liked topics. He had made tremendous contribution by writing ninety nine volumes of his works and each and every line of his work is sweet and fruitful. Voltaire wrote that“ My trade is to say what I think”.

Chapter #6 Immanul Kant and German Idealism

Author in this chapter after giving the background of Kant moves to its works and discusses it’s famous books. Such as critique of pure reason, the critique of practical reason, on religion and reason and on politics and eternal peace.

Chapter #7 Schopenhauer

Schopenhauer philosophy is quite interesting. He works on the interesting topics rather than the old topics. His famous works are

·        The Man

·        The Age

·        The World as Will

·        The World as Evil

·        The Wisdom of Life

·        The Wisdom of Death

Chapter #8 Herbert Spencer

In this chapter the famous works of the Herbert Spencer are discussed

Ø First Principles

Ø The Evolution of Life

Ø The Evolution of Mind

Ø The Evolution Society

Ø The Evolution of Moral

In the end there is the critic of his works is presented by author.




Chapter #9 Friedrich Nietzsche

Behind the other works of Nietzsche, his major topic was the democracy. He said that democracy is the counting of noses and majorly introduces the democracy.

Chapter #10 Contemporary of European Philosophers

This chapter is divided in three European Philosophers.

1.      Henri Bergson

Bergson wrote about topics like revolt and materialism, Mind and Brain and the creative evolution.

2.      Benedetto Croce

Croce works on the man, the philosophy of spirit and beauty.

3.      Bertrand Russell

Russell was one of the most famous philosopher of Europe.



Chapter #11 Contemporary of American Philosophers


This last chapter is about the American philosophers.

1.      George Santayana

Santayana works majorly based on the reasons, reason in science, reason in religion, reason in society.

2.      William James

James works was briefly discussed by author.

3.      John Dewey

At last author describes the view of John Dewey about education, science and politics.







I hope that this article will be boring for you because philosophy is really boring. But in logical and fair manner philosophy is very interesting subject. There are some authors like Will Durant which makes the philosophy very easy.


Thank you For Reading this Article



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