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Address of Variable in C++ Program



Address of variables in C++

Addresses of variables are very important in C++. These are used to refer indirectly a variable. The concept of using addresses in C++ is not quite common but it is used, especially in the pointers this concept is widely used. In this article we will not discuss the address of variables relationship with pointers but we will simply focus on the address of variable.

How to Access Address of Variable in C++

To access the address of variable, if you are familiar with some other programming language, especially C. Then the ampersand operator & will come in your mind, if not don’t worry. We tell you that, In programming languages & operator is used to access the address of variables.

Importance of Address of Variable in C++

Suppose that you know a man name Ali, than knowing the name of Ali is not sufficient if you want to access or met the Ali. You probably need the address or some other contact detail of Ali to reach Ali.

Same in programming if know the name of a variable it is not sufficient. It will be used for basic activities like printing or performing calculations. To apply the advanced technique you will need to access the variable using the address.


One thing to be noted that these advanced technique are in pointers.

We are not covering pointer, we will simply know how to access the address of variables using the ampersand operator &.

So let’s start coding


C++ Program to print Address of Variable



using namespace std;

int main()


    int var1;

    int var2;

    int var3;

    cout <<"Enter three Numbers"<<endl;


    cout<<"Numbers are"<<endl;


        cout<<" Addresses of Variables are"<<endl;


            return 0;





You can see on this black screen how the address of variables in the memory of computer. These addresses are only understandable by computer and difficult for human to understand.



Address of Variables in C++ program
Address of Variables Program in C++ Output




What we do here

Here in this program we have declared three variables var1, var2 and var3. Ask the user to enter the values of these variables using the cout statement. Then take the values form user using the cin statement and then print the values of these variables using cout statement. At last we have printed the addresses of variables using cout statement by accessing them by ampersand/ address operator.


Thanks to take help from SofOSet and its quality material.

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