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Circumference and area of Circle program in C++


Calculating the circumference and area of circle in C++ program can easily be done using the radius. You can say that if you have got the radius, then calculating the circumference is just simple calculations. We will follow same method, we will ask the user to enter the radius of circle. The user will enter it and we will perform the calculation on the simple formula of circumference and area. Let’s start.


We will create a class name Circle and declare a variable r for taking radius of circle. We have then created the function In() to take radius. Next we have created the function out() to print the radius. Then we have created the function area() in which we have find the area by multiplying the 3.14(value of pie) with the square of  given radius and print it on screen. Next we have created a function name circum() in which we have multiplied 2 with 3.14 and radius and display it on screen.

Then we will create main function, create an object and calls the functions in, out, area and circum respectively. At last control is backed to the system using return statement.




using namespace std;

class Circle{


                        int r;


                        void in()


                                    cout<<" Enter Radius  "<<endl;




                        void out()


                                    cout<<" Radius = "<<r<<endl;


                        void area()


                        cout<<" Area  =  "<<3.14*r*r<<endl;


                        void circum()


                                    cout<<" Circumference =  "<<2*3.14*r<<endl;



int main()


            Circle t;





            return 0;





Then we have executed this code on our dev C++ compiler IDE by pressing f11 function key. A black box is prompted ask to enter radius. We have entered it gives us the area and circumference. And we have captured it for you.










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