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Comparison of C and C++ Language

The comparison of the C and C++ Programming language is long run question. Which one is more efficient and more advance. Keep in mind that C++ comes after the C and in C++ it is tried to remove deficiencies of C language. No doubt, In short C++ is efficient and easy to use than C language but now we will explore it in detail.

The following results we have concluded after comparing the programs of c language and c plus plus language.

1.    Header Files:


The first and most important difference in both languages programs is of the Header files. C language has header file of <stdio.h> while c plus plus language has a header file of <iostream> in Dec C++ IDE and <iostream.h> in Turbo and some other compilers.


2.    Input Output Functions:


The Second difference is carried out of the predefined input and output functions. C language has the function printf for the output and scanf for the input. C plus plus language has the function cout for output and cin for input.



3.    Using namespace std:

The third difference is that C plus plus needs the using namespace std below header file for the working of input output functions whereas C language doesn’t demands for such a statement.


4.    Syntax:

Except the differences discussed above all the syntax of the c language and c plus plus language are same. The arthmatic statements works in the same way in both of the languages.

1.    Structure:

The structure behaves same in C++ as it behaves in the C language.




2.    If-else:

The working of if, if-else nesting and else if clause is exactly same in both languages there pattern and implementation is same.


3.    Repetition Control Instructions:


The repetition control instructions built using for, while and do-while loop can also use the same pattern of implementation of their logic. There is no big difficulty occur during implementation the same logic that used in C language to C++ language. 

4.    Function:

In case of user defined functions, especially in case of the functions which are called by value have the same procedure in both C language and C ++ language.

5.  Class:

The another major point where C++ scores more than the C language is the point of classes. C++ uses the classes and objects for the modularization and the real world modeling where as the C language has no such type of facility of classes.

Preference :

At the end of writing programs in both the languages we will prefer the C plus plus language over C language because C ++ language is too more simple and free of complexity then C language. For Example the use of () in printf and scanf and writing of format specifiers and addresses not only create complexity but also increases typing effort. Also logics are also implemented very easily in C++ language as compared to the C language. So we prefer the C++ language due to these reasons. You can use which looks easy to you.

Thanks for reading this Article. Hope you have understand well.


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