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C Plus Plus Program to Split 5 Digit Number

Splitting a Five digit number in c plus plus

One of my friend is continuously requesting me to write a C++ program which will take the 5 digit number from the user and then split each its digit.

So, I come up with this program this will exactly do

This C++ program will ask the user to enter a five digit number and then split this number in five digits.

C Plus Plus Program to Split 5 Digit Number

Program Code


using namespace std;
int main()
            int a,b,c,d,e,f;
            cout<<"Enter a five digit number\n";
            cout<<b<<"  "<<c<<"   "<<d<<"   "<<e<<"   "<<f<<"   ";
            return 0;

 C Plus Plus Program to Split 5 Digit Number

Program Output

This is the screen shot of the output of this program. You can clearly see that the 5 digit number is separated.




Splitting a Five digit number in c plus plus




That’s it.



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