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Character to ASCII conversion in C Plus Plus Program

Character to ascii conversion program in C++


ASCII stands for American Standard Code for Information Interchange. These are some unique codes assigned to every character, digits and special symbols.

Our task is to find out the ASCII number associated with the each character.


We will develop a program which will take the character form user and provide them the ASCII code.


So Let’s start


 Character to ASCII conversion in C++ Program



using namespace std;

int main()



                        cout<<"\nEnter Character :";

            char a;


            cout<<"Ascii Value ="<<static_cast<int>(a);



            return 0;


We have make use of the built in static_cast to print the ASCII code.



Character to ASCII conversion in C++ Program




C++ program to convert characters to ascii value

And here we have some sample to show you how this program behaves with the user.




^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Thanks You^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^



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