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                    Fibconi Series Program in C Plus Plus


Fibconi series program is the another important program in C++. Usually the C++ programs of fibconi series display the fibconi series on the screen.

We will today perform the same task we will write the code of C++ program which will print the fibconi series on the screen.

Fibconi Series

Before we continue to develop the program for fibconi series. Just know what the fibconi series exactly is?

Fibconi Series is a series of numbers in which each member is the sum of its preceding two members except the first two members of the series which are always 0 and 1.


Fibconi Series Program in C ++





using namespace std;

int main()


int limit=2147483647;

int next=0;

int last=1;



            cout<<last<<"  ";

int sum=next+last;   





return 0;




Output of Fibconi Series Program


The code above when debugged and tested on the compiler IDE Dev C++ produce the following output.




Fibconi Series Program in C plus plus





Hence we have successfully print out the fibconi series up to the limit of the integer value.

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