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                                   Friend Class Program in C Plus Plus

Freind class pprogram in C++

Today we are going to develop a program in C++ of friend class. You have learn the concept of friend function which is made the friend of both classes and both can use it.

Now the concept is of the Friend class

Friend Class is class which has the full authority over the other class. It can access the public and protected data of its friend class also the private data too.

Friend keyword is used to declare one class the friend of other class.


Scenario is quite simple, we have to print the private data of class A, with the object and functions of class B. And class A is the friend of class B.

                                             Program in C++ of Friend Class

Program Code

// softoset.blogspot.com


using namespace std;


class A{


                        int a,b;







                        friend class B;


class B{



            void show(A x)


                        cout<<"X = "<<x.a<<endl;



                        void showb(A x)



                        cout<<"Y = "<<x.b<<endl;



 int main()


    A a;

            B b;




            return 0;


                                                Program in C++ of Friend Class

Program Output


You can see the output below



Friend class program in C++



You can see that the private data of class A is accessed by the object and functions of class B. So, it is proved that the friend class access the all data of its friend.



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