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Recursion Program in C Plus Plus


Recursion Program in C Plus Plus

Recursion program is  the another famous program in C++.

Recursion basically means to call itself again and again.

Or in simple words, you can say that

Recursion is the process in which a function call itself again and again. It call itself until a certain breaking condition in it becomes true.

If you have not any knowledge about recursion, then kindly first learn the basic concepts of recursion, and then apply this code.


Otherwise, If you know the basic concept of recursion. Then this program is just for you and it will taught you in the soft and simple manner the program of recursion in C++.



This program will ask the user to enter the number of which user want to find the factorial. User had entered the number and program outputs him the factorial of the desired number. Also, we have added an additional functionality that it prints the factorials of numbers from 0 to 10 every time user had find a factorial. That’s it.

If you don’ t want to print the factorial of numbers from 0 to 10 then just simply remove the for loop in main function and fact function which is user defined function.


                                    Program in C++ of Recursion




using namespace std;

int rec(int);

            int fact(int);

int main()


            int a;

            cout<<"ENTER the number to find Factorial\n";


            cout<<"Factorial= \t:"<<rec(a)<<endl;

            for(int counter=0;counter<=10;++counter)

                        cout<<counter<< " ! \t\tFactorial="<<fact(counter)<<endl;

                        return 0;



int rec(int b)



            return 1;


            return b*rec(b-1);


            int fact(int g)



            return 1;


            return g*rec(g-1);



                                        Program in C++ of Recursion


Now, here is the sample output of the recursion program.





Program in C++ of Recursion


You can see that, In output user wants to find the factorial of 15 and program provide him the factorial.

Also program provide the factorials of numbers from 0 to 10 in advance.


****************************        Thank You      *********************************


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