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To find Number is smaller, greater or equal to second number using if else in C Plus Plus

This C++ program  will ask the user to enter the two numbers. User will enter two numbers and the program will decide that these numbers are equal, which one is greater or smaller than other and display on the screen.

We will take the advantage of the if else statement to build our logic.

Simple if else statements will give us our desired result.

C++ Program of If else statement to find two numbers are smaller, greater or equal

                                                            Code of Program


using namespace std;

int main()


            int a,b;

            cout<<"Enter Two Numbers\n";



            cout<<a<<"and "<<b<<"are equal"<<endl;;


            cout<<a<<"Less than "<<b<<endl;;


            cout<<a<<"Greater than "<<b<<endl;;


            return 0;



C++ Program of If else statement to find two numbers are smaller, greater or equal

                                                        Output of Program

And here is what this code says at front end





C++ Program of If else statement to find two numbers are smaller, greater or equal



Hence program has accurately achieved his goal.


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