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Without using namespace std C Plus Plus Program to Print Square and Cube

                                                 Without using namespace std C Plus Plus Program to Print Square and Cube

A big question arises in the previous days was why we use the statement

using namespace std;

below the header file in some compilers such as Dev C++ while the other compilers such as Turbo don’t need such a type of statement.


Today we will explore what is the reason that we use the

using namespace std;


Is it possible to program without using this statement.


So, Let’s start our journey.

Is it possible to program without using this statement?

Honestly writing, If you have a scientific mind then you will have probably answer yes to this question.

You think that the man who invented this type of code has never to be dependent on a single statement

using namespace std;

Yes, this man has some other option to use instead of

using namespace std;

The other option is some difficult and need some extra typing effort i.e

If you don’t use the

using namespace std;

Then you had to be write the




every time you write the



Means instead of using cin simply for input you had to write std::cin

And instead of using cout simply for output you had to write std::out

So, that’s a way you can program without.

using namespace std;

                                      Without using namespace std C Plus Plus Program to Print Square and Cube


Reason Behind using namespace std

using namespace std simplify our task. If we write one time,

using namespace std;

in our program below header file. Then we don’t need to write the



every time. Instead, we will write



for output and input respectively. If we have used the

using namespace std;

below header file.


Without using namespace std C Plus Plus Program to Print Square and Cube

                                                    Program Code


int main()


            int i,j,k,m;

            std::cout<<"Your square and cubes\n";









return 0;        



Without using namespace std C Plus Plus Program to Print Square and Cube

                                                        Program Output

The .exe file of this program generate the following result when we have run it.



Without using namespace std C Plus Plus Program to Print Square and Cube



Clearly, you can see it, that this program had print the square and cubes of the numbers from 1 to 10.


!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Thank You !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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